In the Spotlight | Rock ‘N’ Rodeo Therapy with Pierre Petrou

Sunday, 19th May 2024

In this series of reviews, we’re putting some of our shows into the spotlight. Led and run entirely by volunteers, Radio Harrow broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our studios in Northwick Park, and this week, we caught up with Pierre Petrou, who hosts Rock ‘N’ Rodeo Therapy!

Firstly, tell us about yourself. What brings you to Radio Harrow?

I used to live in north London and I was rushed to Northwick Park Hospital when they thought I was having a heart attack over 20 years ago! During my stay, I had a visit from the radio station and joined the team a few weeks after being discharged. (It was kidney stones in the end!) I love music and I write songs. Listeners will know all about me because I wear my heart on my sleeve during every show I host!

And now, the show. What is Rock ‘N’ Rodeo Therapy all about?

As the name suggests, it’s mainly rock ‘n’ roll from the 1950s onwards bringing listeners right up to date with today’s biggest country sounds. Sometimes I go back to the 1940s, even the 1920s if required! However, if it’s good enough, I will even play something from today’s charts. Effectively, it’s probably the only radio show in the world that caters across a hundred years of music – the 1920s to the 2020s. I also talk a lot about everyday life and seek listeners experiences on matters I need help with! The show has been likened to ‘reality radio’, as everyone gets involved and shares tips on all sorts of things, all interspersed with the world’s greatest songs.

What should listeners expect in a typical show?

Lots of songs, lots of chat, a few surprises, and various features like the Novelty Number, Joint Jukebox Jury, (where the listeners randomly choose a song), the Motown Moment, Spot the Intro, Pierre’s Pop, and the ‘Quarter-to / Sing-to’.

Do you have a radio idol?

I have a few. I grew up listening to radio when the DJs were big personalities, so I’ve naturally just followed that type of broadcasting. Graham Dene is one of my all time favourites because he seems to have the same types of music tastes as me, but importantly, he always has some interesting information about the songs and also makes his shows interactive. The other similar type of radio presenter I admire is Nick Risby. He is very down-to-earth and also involves the listener with a style of radio that is familiar.

Lastly, you’re stuck on a remote island for the rest of time! What would you bring with you for the ride?

A broadcasting studio and my music collection because the show must go on!

How to listen!

You can listen to Rock ‘N’ Rodeo Therapy every Sunday from 8pm via this website, on the TuneIn app, or through your smart speaker by telling it to ‘Play Radio Harrow’.

Contact the studio!

You can contact the studio during the show by calling 0208 869 3959 or by sending a WhatsApp to the same number. You can also email

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